Saturday, September 15, 2007

Say Hello to Max!!!

Well, we have a new member to our family. After we lost Jack 3 weeks ago, we originally had said that we would not get another dog. Well, you are all probably shocked to hear it didn't last. After about a week we started think and look at what our next dog would be. So after much deliberation and research on the Internet we worked our way back to labs. And specifically chocolate labs. Next we started to look for breeders, which wasn't too hard to find. But we did find and think that $1000 to $1200 was a little too much for us.

So we started to look at mixed breads and the SPCA for older ones. Then at work a lady said she had a friend with a chocolate labs she was look to get rid of, so we jumped on it. Now we are the proud owners of a beautiful ,slightly overweight, 6 year old chocolate lab named Max.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Vacation is Officially Over!!!

Well family, we are officially home from our holidays. We had an excellent time at all the places we were at. From a few days with the Faulkner's to Mom's with some extra luggage(Aiden) to Disneyland and back to Mom's again. We are now relaxing at home before we are back to work and all that stuff.

It was a great break and so nice to see and spend time with family and to get away by ourselves for a while. I don't think we missed work at all. Not too surprising I guess.

Anyway, here are some pictures of our travels.
Time @ the Faulkner's

I think this picture pretty much sum's up our time with them.

The Vancouver Aqarium

At Mom's with Aiden


This ones for you Andrew

Candy loves her goats

Finding Nemo ride, not worth the 2hr wait!!!

Candy the Space Cadet

The Parade

The Fire works were fantasmiculisous!!!

Then here are some pic's of our awesome time at Mom's. We had an absolutely amazing time with Mom. Almost as good if not better than Disneyland.

I got to spend some time on one of Pam's horses named Bucko!!! Luckly he did not live up to his name and I got to ride with Pam for about an hour out in the open. Definately a highlight of the trip for me.

How Candy feels about the guy in the next picture.

As you can see we had a wonderful holiday. Wish we had more time, but it can not be so. We love you all and of those we saw we miss you already and for those of you we didn't get see come and see, we miss even more.

Love Patrick and Candy

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Enjoying the Happiest Place on Earth

Well, I just found out that we have free internet here in Cali. So I thought I would just let you know we are having a great time down here at Disneyland.

We started are vacation with a couple days with the Faulkner family and had a wonderful time. We went with Elizabet and the boys to the Vancouver aquarium, and I loved it. It was fun to watch the boys not sure what to look at next. Anyway I will get pictures and that up at another time.

We then drove to Mom's with Aidan as some extra luggage on board. He was the perfect passenger and had a great time driving down with him. We then left early the next morning and had a long, hot 13 hour drive to Disneyland. We have had some long fun days here and are both exhausted. We are a bit burnt and have some soar feet from all the walking, but we still have smiles on our faces and have made some great new memories to add to our last 10 years of great memories together.

Now we are headed to Mom's again tomorrow to spend 4 days there then home. Hope this finds you all well.

Love you all,
Patrick and Candy

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Brief Holiday

Hello Family,

Hope this finds you all well. I myself am recovering from my 5 days off. I say recovering because Candy had the brilliant idea that on these days off I could paint. And being the loving husband that I am I said sure. So after two days of rest, I got to work.

Now our place for those that have seen inside has very little wall space and more window and door space. So I thought no problem. And the first day seemed to go that way. Well unbenounced(I know I spelt it wrong) to me, with all the cutting in I had to do, I was putting my legs thought the workout of the century.

The next morning after doing a full day of squats(not to be confused with the trots), I had the sorest legs I have had in years. Every time I went down to cut in, I wasn't sure if I was coming up again. I thought I might need to hook up the LIFE LINE just in case I fell and couldn't get up.
Well after much pain and suffering I endured and got most of the painting done. The place looks fresh, bright and clean. As you will see we did not pick our usual neutral colors, and we love it.

Love you all and miss you almost as much.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Visitors and more house warming!!!

After a few weeks of trying to make plans to go over to visit the Folknurs, Elizabeth finally gave up on us and came to visit us instead. We had a great time and it was so nice to see how big the Kids are getting and to visit with my big sis. We missed you though Jason.

I was a little upset though when I went over to Dads to sit on the kids. I get there and the boys are in bed and there is cute little Kira sitting there ready to great her Uncle Patrick. But as soon as she sees me and my bushy goatee her smile turns from happy to some contorted frown and she starts to wail. I don't know when I got so scary, but it must of been in the last couple of months. After the initial confrontation, she was fine with me as long as she was in Elizabeth's arms or she could not see my face.

Anyway enough nonsense. We did have a great time and Kira eventually warmed up to me the next day. The boys were lots of fun and can't believe how big they are getting. Here are some pics of the Faulkner family at our place for the first time.
And here are some bonus pictures of outside and new plants from Dad and the McNeill's. Thanks you so much. Love you All!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Mirror Incident

Well I think by now most of you have heard about our little mirror incident, but I will tell it again for all those that have not heard it as of yet.

As you can see by the picture above, this would be the perfect place for a beautiful 55inch by 44inch mirror. And it just so happened that Grandma Sheepwash bought us one for our house warming gift. So on Thursday night we decided to have the Grandma's and dad over for supper and we would hang the mirror so that grandma could see it up in our new house.

We had a lovely dinner created by my lovely wife and had a lovely time. After some coffee and desert we moved to the living room and Dad and myself started to put the mirror up. By precariously standing on the half wall and leaning out over the stairs, I held one end of the mirror and dad the other. As you could imagine Candy and Grandmas were very nervous about my precarious position, but I proceeded none the less.

After much worry we got the wire that was to hold the 50 lbs mirror onto the hooks. I slowly released my hand and Grandmas and Candy gave directions on which way to move to straighten it. Just as all was perfect and we admired its beauty, the mirror disappeared from sight. One bounce, then two, and then a crash proceeded by a loud smash.

You could probably just see us all sitting and standing there with our jaws in our laps. It had to be the worst feeling I have had in a very long time. There our most perfect beautiful mirror, given to us by Grandma Sheepwash, with her in the house, was at the bottom of the stairs in pieces. Uggh!!!!!!

Here are some picture of the carnage from our lovely evening with our Grandmas.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

In OUR House!!!

Hello Family and Friends, we are officially in our new home!!! We finally got everything moved and cleaned up from Shannon's and are no longer the basement dwellers of 4169 Verte Place, but the Home Owners of 259 Derby Place. Whoo Hoo!!! Very Exciting!!!

Of course it has not taken long for my nester wife too make this place feeling alot like home, even when she has one bum hand. So once we find our camera we will make sure to get some pictures posted for ya all to see.

We also got our new fancy washer and dryer yesterday, which was almost as exciting as getting a house. Anyway we are doing great, maybe a bit tired, but great none the less. Thanks for all your prayers and would appreciate more as we have a few new bills and expenses to worry about that seem to come along with purchasing a new house.

Love you all tons
The New Home Owners

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Candy's been cut

Well Candy had her wrist cut today. So far she has been a great patient. Not too many complaints as of yet. We will see how the next few days go.

Seriously though, she is doing well, except for the extreme pain she is in. She will probably be out of commission for about a week or two and off work for at least a month according to the doctor. Lucky me gets to pick up the slack, which is alot. I am now the cook, cleaner, packer, bra undoer, butt wiper(kidding), and much much more.

We have also put an add in the paper for the suite in our new house. Already I have shown the house 4 times and have another showing tomorrow. Its been fairly crazy around here the last few days. I am so lucky to have a wife that likes to get stuff packed up early. She has pretty much everything done except the eccentials. I think she knows I don't like to pack and that I am a bit of a procrastinator. Must have something to do with the 9 and a half years of marriage or something.

Jeff and Heidi leave on the 16th, so we will start to move stuff in as soon as they are goon. Get a jump on things so we don't have to do it all in one day.

We are very excited to be moving into our own place after almost ten years of marriage. How Exciting!!!!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!

Love and miss you all tons
Patrick and Candy