Saturday, July 28, 2007

Enjoying the Happiest Place on Earth

Well, I just found out that we have free internet here in Cali. So I thought I would just let you know we are having a great time down here at Disneyland.

We started are vacation with a couple days with the Faulkner family and had a wonderful time. We went with Elizabet and the boys to the Vancouver aquarium, and I loved it. It was fun to watch the boys not sure what to look at next. Anyway I will get pictures and that up at another time.

We then drove to Mom's with Aidan as some extra luggage on board. He was the perfect passenger and had a great time driving down with him. We then left early the next morning and had a long, hot 13 hour drive to Disneyland. We have had some long fun days here and are both exhausted. We are a bit burnt and have some soar feet from all the walking, but we still have smiles on our faces and have made some great new memories to add to our last 10 years of great memories together.

Now we are headed to Mom's again tomorrow to spend 4 days there then home. Hope this finds you all well.

Love you all,
Patrick and Candy

1 comment:

leah said...

Glad you guys had fun in Disneyland. Can't wait to see some pictures! Sorry to hear you had the flu while visiting Mom but hopefully you managed to enjoy your visit with her in spite of feeling ill. Looking forward to an update when you return home safe and sound! Happy belated Birthday Candy....hope you had a swell day and enjoy a year full of Joy and blessings! miss you guys!