Friday, March 23, 2007

Visitors and more house warming!!!

After a few weeks of trying to make plans to go over to visit the Folknurs, Elizabeth finally gave up on us and came to visit us instead. We had a great time and it was so nice to see how big the Kids are getting and to visit with my big sis. We missed you though Jason.

I was a little upset though when I went over to Dads to sit on the kids. I get there and the boys are in bed and there is cute little Kira sitting there ready to great her Uncle Patrick. But as soon as she sees me and my bushy goatee her smile turns from happy to some contorted frown and she starts to wail. I don't know when I got so scary, but it must of been in the last couple of months. After the initial confrontation, she was fine with me as long as she was in Elizabeth's arms or she could not see my face.

Anyway enough nonsense. We did have a great time and Kira eventually warmed up to me the next day. The boys were lots of fun and can't believe how big they are getting. Here are some pics of the Faulkner family at our place for the first time.
And here are some bonus pictures of outside and new plants from Dad and the McNeill's. Thanks you so much. Love you All!!!


Papa said...

My grandkids sure do love their uncle Patrick and Auntie Candy! Even Kiera loves you Patrick after she got used that hairy face.

Tricia said...

Looks to me like Aidan Michael and Keira with Mom warmed your home up nicely! Uncle Patrick doesn't look so scary after a time! Glad you all had a great time together.
Your house looks great...indoors and out! Keep up the good work!!