Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Happening's in the Animal House

Well, not much has been happening around here. Our two little ones aren't as exciting as my sisters little ones, that I adore by the way. I had a great 30th Birthday party with friends and family. It was great to have Elizabeth and the family here to celebrate.

Jack absolutely loved the snow. He would go outside and play for hours and not want to come inside. He stayed out so long his feet froze and started to bleed. Crazy dog!!! Candy would have to tempt him with a treat to come inside. Eddie was a different story. He chose to watch Jack from inside.

Candy is now back to work part time because her claim for short term disability was turned down(dorks!!!). But she is happy to be back doing something again. She was going a little squirrely being cuped up at home. I am enjoying being full time now. It is nice to see and get to know the patients each day. They all miss me when I am not there which is flattering.

Well, I think that is all I can think of to tell you. We will try and take some pictures to show you. But we always seem to forget.

Love you all tons,
Patrick and Candy

PS. Bucky the rat is no longer. Somehow he got caught in a thing called a Rat Trap. You might remember it from the game we used to play as kids at grandma's

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