Wednesday, January 31, 2007

In OUR House!!!

Hello Family and Friends, we are officially in our new home!!! We finally got everything moved and cleaned up from Shannon's and are no longer the basement dwellers of 4169 Verte Place, but the Home Owners of 259 Derby Place. Whoo Hoo!!! Very Exciting!!!

Of course it has not taken long for my nester wife too make this place feeling alot like home, even when she has one bum hand. So once we find our camera we will make sure to get some pictures posted for ya all to see.

We also got our new fancy washer and dryer yesterday, which was almost as exciting as getting a house. Anyway we are doing great, maybe a bit tired, but great none the less. Thanks for all your prayers and would appreciate more as we have a few new bills and expenses to worry about that seem to come along with purchasing a new house.

Love you all tons
The New Home Owners


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations, home owners! That's awesome. Can't wait to see it!

Tricia said...

I am delighted for the two of you!
I am not surprised that Candy has it all it homey and warm feeling already! Enjoy...enjoy...enjoy! Love ya both...Mom

leah said...

Hip Hip Hooray....I can't wait to see it and you in your very own home! Hope you are enjoying it and making it 'feel' like home already! Love you guys...send pictures!!