Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Number 11

On September 13 Candy and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary!!!
It is really hard to believe that it has been that long. It is amazing how time flys.
I surprised Candy with having the day off and we headed up to Mt. Wahington. We started out by going to the peak and enjoying the sites. Candy actually looked on the web and discovered there was a restaraunt at the summit to eat. Unfortunately it was Mt. Washington, New England.
So we went back down and had lunch at the calet. Next we went for a nice leasurely hike on Strathcona Park to Bedwell Lake and Helen Mackenzie Lake. It was a beautiful walk only ruined by a rather large teanage girl scantily clad feed the wiskey jacks.
It was the perfect day to celebrate and to I look forward to the next 11 and more.

Mt. Washington Summit
Strathcona Park

Bedwell Lake

Helen Mackenzie Lake
Mr. Hottie on a big rock!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

All Together Again

Well, all us kids got to be together again. It was so great to have all of you under our roof. It might of been a little crazy at times, but having you and your kids under our roof brought such joy to me and Candy.

Here are some pictures for you Mom of your four angels all grown up.We are all to sexy for our hats!!!
Love you Mom

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Blog

Hello all, I just posted our weekend with the kids on All I Want for Christmas blog by accident. I am to tired and frustrated with our internet to do it all over again. So please go there to see the blog.