Wednesday, January 31, 2007

In OUR House!!!

Hello Family and Friends, we are officially in our new home!!! We finally got everything moved and cleaned up from Shannon's and are no longer the basement dwellers of 4169 Verte Place, but the Home Owners of 259 Derby Place. Whoo Hoo!!! Very Exciting!!!

Of course it has not taken long for my nester wife too make this place feeling alot like home, even when she has one bum hand. So once we find our camera we will make sure to get some pictures posted for ya all to see.

We also got our new fancy washer and dryer yesterday, which was almost as exciting as getting a house. Anyway we are doing great, maybe a bit tired, but great none the less. Thanks for all your prayers and would appreciate more as we have a few new bills and expenses to worry about that seem to come along with purchasing a new house.

Love you all tons
The New Home Owners

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Candy's been cut

Well Candy had her wrist cut today. So far she has been a great patient. Not too many complaints as of yet. We will see how the next few days go.

Seriously though, she is doing well, except for the extreme pain she is in. She will probably be out of commission for about a week or two and off work for at least a month according to the doctor. Lucky me gets to pick up the slack, which is alot. I am now the cook, cleaner, packer, bra undoer, butt wiper(kidding), and much much more.

We have also put an add in the paper for the suite in our new house. Already I have shown the house 4 times and have another showing tomorrow. Its been fairly crazy around here the last few days. I am so lucky to have a wife that likes to get stuff packed up early. She has pretty much everything done except the eccentials. I think she knows I don't like to pack and that I am a bit of a procrastinator. Must have something to do with the 9 and a half years of marriage or something.

Jeff and Heidi leave on the 16th, so we will start to move stuff in as soon as they are goon. Get a jump on things so we don't have to do it all in one day.

We are very excited to be moving into our own place after almost ten years of marriage. How Exciting!!!!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!

Love and miss you all tons
Patrick and Candy