Monday, November 13, 2006

Just thought I would try it

Well, well, well. I am now a blogger. Woooooohooooo!!! I am so excited. Things with me and Candy are just great. We are involved in a great couples small group and we are doing the book "Love and Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. So there is alot of that going around in our small humble basement dwelling.

Jack and Eddie are there usual selves. Everything revolves around food for Jack and snuggling on your lap for Eddie. We also have and addition to our family. He is the cutest thing you have ever seen. I have applie named him "Buck", because of his buck teeth. We have yet to see him, but we hear him every night around 3:30 am and are starting see evidence of him under our bathroom sink.

I also have my big 30th birday coming up. If you want to know what to get me, I have yet to say no to the throwing of money(I do prefer 100 dallar bills though). Or if you would like to get me some new clothes that would work too I guess.

Well, that is really all I can think of to tell you right now. In closing I would like to take a quote from the book Love and Respect. "Wives respect your husbands and and husbands love your wives."

Blessing on all of you who read this,